Chance for Martinka Kosorínová to walk again

Our Martinka, born after in-utero surgery of the cleft spine, is fighting for the opportunity to walk.

Partners of Martinka

Martina Kosorínová

Martinka was born prematurely after in utero surgery of the cleft spine. Her diagnosis is paralysis of the lower part of the body, limited mobility of the lower extremities.

Now we select funds for the removal of screws from the hips, the associated hospitalization and rehabilitation.

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Konto Bariery provides facilities

Contributions sent by sponsors will be credited to Martinka's sub-account in one hundred percent amount, sponsorship sub-accounts are provided to our clients and their sponsors completely free of charge.

From the sponsorship sub-account, we pay the submitted invoices for services that relate to the purpose of the collection - in this case, orthopedic operations and rehabilitation procedures.

Ivana Růžičková, Administrator of Sponsorship Sub-Accounts
Phone: +420 224 213 647